About NUE
Total Offers: 0NUE 15% Off Coupon Code and Promo Code with Free Shipping. NUE WAS CREATED WITH all body types and skin tones IN MIND We love your body the way it is, but there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel better in strapless and backless styles. One size fits all around here, but since beauty comes in all shades, we have options. IM STEPHANIE MONTES, a fashion-design graduate TURNED FASHION AND BEAUTY EDITOR. With years of experience behind the scenes, duct tape was always the secret to going braless under plunging necklines and backless styles. Full disclosure: I don’t have a perky pair. So, I tried the famous duct-tape styling hack. I hated it. It wrinkled, it pinched, and it was a nightmare to remove. But with an actual breast lift out of the picture (I hate needles, and surgery scares me!), I was doomed to wander the fashion world with some serious styling limitations. That is, until I created Nue. Nue blossomed from my own personal need into my mission to cater to women of all shapes, sizes, and skin tones. I rarely feel spoken to in marketing campaigns, but Nue is about to change that. I do what I do to serve an already-underserved market of women.